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Organic Garden Pest Control – Eliminating Nasty Pests

One of the biggest battles an organic gardener will face is fighting off pests. Because organic gardening means gardening without the use of commercialized chemicals, you will want to learn all you can about organic garden pest control. With organic gardening you cannot simply run out and purchase pest control chemicals, because this would defeat the purpose of organic gardening in the first place, a chemical free environment.

However, there are several things you can do in organic garden pest control, which may surprise you. The following are some helpful tips that you can use in organic garden pest control:

Knowing Your Plants

The more information you have about your specific plants, as well as how they are affected by different bugs and weeds, is the best way to begin in organic garden pest control. In many cases, you will find that if you plant a species that is native to your area, they have already built somewhat of a defense against the destroying insects and bugs. If at all possible, try to stick with plant specifies that are native to your area.


One of the best combative measures in organic garden pest control is to group plants together. This means you want to group plants that will help the other plants at the same time. For example, some plants carry a resistance to plants, such as herbs. Herbs work great as pest deterrence from a variety of different bugs. Another example is peppermint; ants are not a big fan of peppermint, so planting this type of plant near the others may be a great combative measure for your garden.

Healthy Soil

Maintaining the soil in your garden is another great measure in organic garden pest control. You want to keep the soil fertile and healthy, use mulch and compost regularly, this will help in eliminating feeding insects and bugs.

Beneficial Bugs

What you may not know is that not all pests are damaging, but can actually be of help. Birds, ground beetles, and ladybugs are extremely beneficial to your garden. All of these help in eating other types of pest that can create havoc on your garden. You want to allow the natural predators to inhabit your garden keeping the dangerous ones away.

Bugs to Deter Bugs

This may not be a pleasant job, but it works great in organic garden pest control. Using bugs as a repellant. You can create your own repellant by identifying the predators of certain bugs that attack your plant and using them to create a spray.



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