Best Shade Perennials For Gardens
The best shade perennials for your garden really depend on your personal preference.
You can get differing colors to match your color scheme and different heights as well. Shade gardens can be a welcome retreat from the blazing summer sun and have a unique feel to them.
Find Out Where to Buy The Best Shade Perennials
Since perennials bloom only for a short period of time, you should plan your garden so that each area has blooms all year by planting these flowers with different bloom times near each other -
that way one spot of your garden won't look bare once the blooms fall off. Pinching dead flowers from your plants will cause it to produce more blooms and contribute to the overall health of the plant.
Like any other garden the best shade perennials planting configuration will have taller plants in the back against the house or woods, medium growing plants in the middle and the shorter or ground cover plants on the inner edge. Add some great seating and perhaps a pond and you have yourself a cool retreat on a summers day.
Here's a list of the best shade perennials available:
Astibe - comes in a variety of colors and produces clumps of fluffy flower spikes - best planted in groups some varieties can grow up to 40" tall. Plant in rows with the 20" variety in front, 30" in the middle and 40" in back for a colorful display.
Foxglove - These impressive flowers can grow up to 5 feet tall and have large spikes filled with bell shaped flowers. Comes in a variety of colors
Lily Of The valley - dainty white bell shaped flowers give off a wonderful fragrance. They grow to about 6" tall.
Lousiana Iris - this beautiful velvety purple black flower produces 4" blooms that last well into June. Plant in groups for best effect. Grows about 2 feet tall.
Ostrich Fern - This green shade loving perennial produces giant feathery leaves all summer. It grows anywhere from 40 - 60" and is very tropical looking.
Trollius - In bright orange or lemon yellow, these grow to about 2 ½ feet. They bloom from June to July and make great cut flowers.
Variegated Solomon Seal - this interesting shade loving perennial grows to about 20" and has yellow rimmed green leaves on arched stems. It produces dainty white flowers in spring and dark blue berries in fall.
Virginia Blue Bells - Lavender bell shaped clusters adorn this very hardy and easy to grow plant. Grows to around 2 feet tall.