Anigozanthos - Cat’s Paw, Kangaroo Paws
Anigozanthos, otherwise known as Cats Paws or Kangaroos Paws is a drought resistant evergreen perennial.
They grow well outdoors or as a potted flower and have recently become popular with florists as a cut flower. The flowers wich resemble paws open up and produce nectar that attracts hummingbirds and nectar drinking insects.
Anigozanthos comes from Australia where it is native to the Eucalyptus forests and coastal areas. It has a flower that opens widely and it’s name combines the Greek words anoigo which means “to open” and anthos which means flower.
Anigozanthos Species vary in height from 1 to 6 feet
This comes in green, gold, deep red and orange red with some species being bi-colored. This interesting perennial produces hairy tubular shaped flowers that open at the top to resemble a claw. It has grass like foliage.
Flowers In
Anigozanthos starts to bloom in spring and will bloom for months with flowers fading as the season progresses.
Plant in full sun and sandy soil. Water infrequently, but thoroughly. Can be affected by ink disease and watch for snails which can damage foliage.
By seed or division in spring.
Zones 9 – 11