Acanthus or Acanthus mollis, sometimes called Bears Breeches is a great back edge plant with dark green leaves and tall spikes filled with tubular flowers.
Acanthus originates from Africa, Asia and Mediterranean Europe and has history rooted in ancient Greece as can be seen in Greek architectural columns which are topped with Acanthus leaves. There are about 30 different species of perennials and shrubs.
Flowers can be white, pink or purple.
Acanthus can grow up to 4 feet tall and is a great plant for the back edge of the garden.
Flowers In
Acanthus or Bear’s Breeches flowers usually appear in late spring and early summer in the warmer regions but may flower in midsummer in the colder zones. Plants that flower in spring may have the leaves die back but them sprout out again just before winter.
Plant Acanthus in full sun or light shade. These are frost hardy plants which like a rich well drained soil. Provide enough moisture – especially in winter and spring but do not over water as the Acanthus do not like wet conditions especially in winter. If the area you are growing them in is very hot, they will prefer some shade.
The Acanthus or Bear’s Breeches should be well mulched in winter. Spent leaves and flowers can be removed from the stem during the season. Watch for snails and caterpillars as they can damage the leaves on this plant.
By seed or root cuttings in fall.
Hardy in zones 7 – 10.